Tuesday 3 November 2015

Merging Works on ORCID

When importing works from multiple sources into an ORCID profile, occasionally the sources providing the details of the works do not provide the identifiers required for the records to be collapsed into a single entry for display. This leads to the appearance of duplicate works in the list, with different details, which is a little confusing and not really what we want.

It turns out that there is a simple workaround to get these duplicates to collapse as expected.

Since the collapse of works is triggered by the presence of shared identifiers, all that is needed is an entry for each duplicated work that contains identifiers for each of the displayed duplicates. In my case this has turned out to be a manual entry containing the Scopus EID and the DOI. This can easily be created by using the "Make copy and edit" on one of the entries for the work (I have been using the Scopus entries, so the EID is already present) and having previously copied the DOI associated with the other entries for the work, just add the DOI to the copy of the Scopus entry and "Add to list". The updated display should now show the instances of the work grouped together.

If you want to display all the associated identifiers for the work, you can add these to your manual record for the work, and choose the manual entry as the "Preferred source".

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