Monday 2 November 2015

Updating a Scopus Author Id

Elsevier's Scopus automatically creates author identifiers based on author names and affiliations (see Scopus Author Identifier for details). This usually works reasonably well at identifying an author and tracking their publications, but sometimes gets mislead. In order to let authors correct the set of publications associated with their author identifier Scopus provides a mechanism to update the set of publications associated with an author identifier (note: this does not require a Scopus account):

  1. Go to Scopus (
  2. Click on the "Author Preview" link near the bottom of the main text
  3. Perform a search for yourself using your name. While an ORCID can be used this depends on publications being assigned to an ORCID already.
  4. This returns a list of Scopus author profiles, each of which corresponds to a Scopus author identifier. Ideally one of these will obviously be you, with both name and affiliation being what you expect. If this is not the case you need to identify which author profile has your publications.
    1. To see the publications associated with an author profile, click on the first name listed for the author, or the count of publications associated with the author.
  5. Once you have identified your author profile, look through the associated publications and ensure they are all yours. If there are publications from another author click the "Request author detail corrections" link in the right hand sidebar near the top.
  6. This starts a wizard style process which allows you to choose the name for the author profile, and select which publications should be associated with it. As part of the process you will be sent e-mails updating you on the progress of the changes.
NB. In my case when the "Request Complete" e-mail arrived from Scopus, the author profile in Scopus was updated, but the summary information presented when searching for an author was not. Waiting a couple of hours for this to catch-up made things much easier and a bit less confusing.

Once the Scopus author identifier profile has been updated, you can then associate an ORCID with the Scopus author identifier and allow Scopus to add publications to your ORCID profile automatically. This process can be configured using the Scopus to ORCID wizard available from your ORCID profile ("Works" -> "Add works" -> "Search and link" -> "Scopus to ORCID") or from your Scopus author profile ("Add to ORCID" in the right hand sidebar).

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