Wednesday 4 November 2015


Anyone interested in ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) might find the following useful:
Note that while ORCID is currently targeting researchers (because they are already aware of the author identity problem), a longer term intent is to be able to use ORCID as a general author identifier. This dovetails with the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) mission to provide persistent and unambiguous identifiers for people and organisations. ORCID and ISNI have a collaboration which ensures that ORCID and ISNI use the same identifier format, and do not issue the same number to different people (see ORCID and ISNI Joint Statement on Interoperation).

More resources concerning ORCID can be found on figshare,com (ORCID tagged documents) or on the ORCID website in the News section (aka. the ORCID blog).

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